It’s my birthday! + The Next Big Thing Award

First and most importantly, today is my birthday! Woooo! I turn 24 today, which kind of makes me wince, because I assumed I would be doing great things by my near-mid-twenties. That being said, I have a decent job, good friends, and my first book is nearly published, so I guess that’s not too shabby, right? Plus, sushi tonight! Sushi makes everything better.


Right. Now that the main event is over, let’s move on to the other reason for this post: The Next Big Thing Award.


When it rains, it pours, and I have been nominated for this award three times in the past week. So thank you to Mike Akin, The Living Notebook, and Mari Wells for the nominations!

Without further ado, I shall now answer the 10 Next Big Thing questions. Read at your peril.

1)  What is the working title of your novel?

Imminent Danger And How to Fly Straight into It

2)  Where did the idea for the novel come from?

I was taking an Astronomy class in my first year of university, and as I sat listening to my professor regurgitate the contents of our textbook, I thought to myself, “Wouldn’t it be funny if someone who didn’t believe in aliens got abducted by aliens?” Originally the main character was going to be a college Astronomy professor, but then I realized that I would far rather write about someone more my age (plus I have no idea what goes on in college professors’ heads), and thus Imminent Danger was born.

3)  What genre does your novel fall under?

Imminent Danger is YA sci-fi/humour/romance.

4)  Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

I imagine my characters with different faces every day, but here are my current (slightly impossible) picks:

Young Keanu as Varrin

Emma Watson as Eris

5)  What is the one sentence synopsis of your novel?

Abducted by aliens and stranded light-years from home, a teenage girl is rescued by a handsome mercenary who puts her planet, her life, and her heart in the clutches of imminent danger.

6)  Will your novel be self-published or represented by an agency?

Self-published all the way, baby!

7)  How long did it take to write the first draft of your manuscript?

I finished the first half-ish of the book during the 2006 NaNoWriMo, and then wrote the rest of it over the next six months. I then proceeded to revamp and revise it for approximately six years. I’m sensing a “6” theme here …

8)  What other novels would you compare this book to within your genre?

The humour in my novel is similar to The Princess Bride, and the feel of the story is very Star Wars.

9)  Who or what inspired you to write this novel?

As I said, my Astronomy teacher. Because he basically re-hashed everything we’d already read in our textbooks, I had lots of time in his classes to dream up the plot for Imminent Danger.

10)  What else about your novel might pique the reader’s interest?

Other than the fact that it’s awesome? Well, it has dashing space pirates, six-armed lizard men with an obsession for the colour blue, fluffy-haired gurus, laser-repellent monsters, spiffy spaceships, evil laboratories, sentient balls of light, and much more. It’s got romance, action, comedy, tragedy, danger (of the imminent variety), and a multitude of abductions. Oh yes, and did I mention it’s awesome?

Right! Now I’m supposed to nominate people. I hate this part, because there are so many awesome writers out there on WordPress that I don’t want to snub anyone by not nominating them. Ahhh, the pressure! Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. Everyone who gave editing suggestions on my recent post about Imminent Danger’s back cover text get nominated. Ready?

If I missed you, then my eternal apologies. I officially nominate you in my capacity as birthday girl.

Unrelated link of the day:

Fun with words:

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47 thoughts on “It’s my birthday! + The Next Big Thing Award

  1. Happy Birthday, Michelle!
    Loved reading about your book.

  2. Happy birthday and good luck with your book!!!

  3. Happy birthday! 🙂

  4. Candace Knoebel

    Happy birthday!!

  5. Happy birthday Michelle!

  6. Thank you so much for nominating me, however, I don’t think I fit the qualifications for the award as I haven’t written a novel (yet). I really do appreciate you including me though and I wish you all the best (and much success) with your novel.

  7. Oh, and like the airhead I am I almost forgot, Happy Birthday!

  8. mikeakin1

    Happy Birthday! And great look at your book. I’m sure it will do well:)

  9. Happy Birthday!

  10. kanundra

    Happy Birthday 🙂

  11. Wooo!. December 19 birthdays like a mofo!

    **hand slaps**

    I wish I were turning 24 today (I passed that mark in a different century), but I suppose I’m glad I made it this far. I was almost born on the 18th, but I missed it by a few minutes. Which is fine, because the 19th is way cooler, as I’m sure you agree.

    Happy B-day. I see that you nominated me for something. I’m scared now. Do I have to get a speech ready?

    • Oh snap! Tis your birthday as well? Happppppy Birthday!!! And yes, I nominated you for something, but no speeches are necessary. In fact, you can totally ignore the nomination if you want. I was going to ignore my first nomination, but then I was nominated twice more, and I was like, “… maybe I should do something about this … they’re not going to leave me alone until I accept …”

  12. Happy birthday! I am *mumble mumble* years and eleven months exactly older than you. My birthday is November 19th, but in a vastly different year to you. Vastly. I wish I’d accomplished half of what you’ve already managed to accomplish by the time I was your age. Were I you, I’d feel fully permitted to do the smug-happy-lady dance. Have at it!

    Thanks (very much) for the ‘Next Big Thing’ nomination; you’re the second person to do that in a week, so I guess I’d better bite the bullet and just answer the darned questions. Hopefully will get to that by week’s end!

    • Well, that still makes us 19th birthday buddies, even if the month/year don’t match. Matching is for chumps anyway.

      Yes, would highly advise answering the darned questions. I didn’t answer the darned questions the first time I got nominated, and look what happened! Then again, maybe if you hold out a little longer the nominations will keep pouring in 😀

  13. Pingback: An Untimely Note | SJ O'Hart

  14. Happy Birthday, Michelle! Have a beautiful day. Can you send me the rules, please? I’ve avoided and turned down anyone who’s asked, but it seems it has caught me, so I’m thinking like you, that the nominations or people asking will keep on coming. Getting others to go along is the hard part. Anyway, rules, please. dresselmj at gmail dot com. Is there a time limit. I’m trying to get a book out right now. Thank you. Enjoy your day!

    • I’ll send you the email, but I can tell you here too — you just answer those 10 questions I answered about your current WIP (or I guess that book you’re about to publish) and make sure you nominate a few more people. No time limit involved 🙂

  15. Happy Birthday, Michelle! Your Q&A is a great format idea!


  17. Ah ha ha, thanks! x) I think I’ll save this, though, just until I can answer the ‘How long did the first draft of your manuscript take?’ question with an actual answer, and not ‘IDK I’M STILL GOING’. xD And happy birthday! Mine was actually the 12th, ha ha. 🙂 Only 22 though. A race I will never win. </3
    Oh, wait, I'm cool with that.

  18. Happy birthday!
    I knew I should have offered something for that back cover but I ad nothing, sorry!
    Then again I already did a Next Big Thing this week anyway. Didn’t realise there was a graphic to go with it, though! I might steal that. 😉
    Watching this closely. I could easily read a book about alien abduction that was inspired by a bad astronomy teacher while imagining Emma Watson…

  19. December 19th – me too. Though I have a few years on you. Happy Birthday!

  20. I hope you had a wonderful birthday, Michelle! You *are* doing great things by your mid-twenties! How many young people have books being published. You do know I have a 25-year-old son, yes? He hasn’t written any books.

    I like your answers to the questions, and your choices to play the movie roles are great. I wish you much success with your book!!

    • I didn’t know you had a son! Very cool. What does he do? No wait, let me guess … your books are mysteries, so he is a … detective! Or a lawyer. A teacher? Am I close?

  21. Sorry to inundate you with more awesomness, but I just nominated you for Blog of the Year award. 🙂

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